by Carol Moore
(Medora, IL)
closer view...note flags as septic tank.
Guess my photo was uploading and I could not tell! Here are more photos.... can give measurements if necessary.
Good morning Carol! I suggest creating a parking area for guests that's forward of the garage. This keeps guests oriented to the front door and not always having to come to the garage and around to the front door. This parking area is typically two car parking (18-20' wide and 18' long). This length allows for any car or small truck to be parked and a vehicle can get by and go to the garage. When looking at your house from the front of the property, I see how this parking area can fit nicely off the driveway without interrupting the view of the house. From the middle of the parking area, have a nice curved walk take folks to the front door. This also allows room to have planting along the house, so be sure to not have this parking area right against the house. It needs to be in close proximity to the front door, but not on top of it. When I'm placing an approach to a house, I walk the driveway and take into consideration a nice view of the house for folks to see as they are walking to the front door.
I hope this information helps!! Thanks